Sadie Noblitt
HatCo Marketing Coordinator, HatCo – Stetson, Resistol and Charlie1Horse
Sadie Noblitt was born into a family of rodeo cowboys, farmers, and ranchers in California. She started riding horses at the age of two and began competing in the Three-Day Eventing (Dressage, Show Jumping, and Cross Country) at the age of six. At age fifteen she changed horse disciplines and started competing in Cutting, Reining Cow Horse, Team Roping, Breakaway Roping, Barrel Racing, Pole Bending and Goat Tying. Her family’s lifestyle included growing crops, raising fair animals, branding, helping with my family’s cow-calf operation and horse program. She went to California Polytechnic College on a Rodeo Scholarship and majored in Agricultural Communications with a focus in Marketing.